04 July 2014

What is it all about?

 When I decided to start running a blog I chose to write about makeup and fashion, I was wishing to be like Zoella, Tanya Burr or Sprinkle Of Glitter, succeed and being recognized like them.
 But things took another way and now I find myself sort of confused about what I want to do with this blog. Well, not actually, I do know what I want to do. 

 I like makeup and fashion but I can't figure out myself doing reviews on beauty things because I know how useless I'm when it comes to recommend people the perfect moisturizer, eyeliner, shop where to buy nice leggings, etc.
 So, yesterday I ended a book I was reading (I'm thinking of doing a review of it soon, oops) and it took me a whole book of 200 and something pages to realize the sense of life. For me now, it's the simple things and now I plan to enjoy the simple things that my life has to offer me. Why I am telling you it? Because I want you to know what's going on in my life, what are my interests, where did I go last weekend, what I was wearing, what is my favourite makeup product, how my dog is doing and if I have flu.

 It's bit stupid being here sitting in my bedroom, writing about something that probably no one cares about but I feel like having to do it. Since my first post, I was always caring on what were people going to think about what I'm writing, if they were going to like it or not, or if it was worth to tell. Now I don't care anymore, this is my blog and I'm going to blog about whatever I'm interesting in. If people enjoy it, then hello! We can be best friends if you want to; if people don't enjoy it, you can go find another blog where your interests are fulfill. Luckily, we all have the right of freedom.

 So tell me now, do I count you in? 


  1. oo definitely do a book review!
    I'd love to hear which one it was I'm always on the look out for new reads

    1. I'm glad you're interesting in a book review, I just posted it! Make sure to check it out, I hope you'll enjoy it :)

  2. sounds like your switching over to a lifestyle blog.. would that be a name for it? you can count me in as a reader :) i'm looking forward to your new posts


    1. Yes, that is exactly what my blog is going to be about now! I'm super happy to count you as my reader, it inspires me to keep on trying in the blogging world :)

  3. I'm so excited to see whatever you post on here! It's your blog after all! Just blog about what makes you happy. I'm a total book nerd so I can't wait to read book review!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm very happy with your support in my blog and your nice comments in almost every single post I update <3

  4. that's exactly how I feel. I've just started a blog too and I wanted it to be about beauty and stuff because I just love all beauty and fashion things but then I found it hard because I don't know how to do it, first because i'm too young (nearly 15) and second because I don't think I know that much about the best products or what's best for everyone, I'm thinking of changing to sort of a lifestyle blog. Anyway im working on it hah ! Btw I really like your blog, and I'm excited to read your future posts ! Keep up the good work xx
    I followed your blog , this is mine http://emnabenh.blogspot.com/ if you could please check it out and maybe follow me x) ive just started so there isn't much interesting things but i'm working on it. Have a niice day

    1. We have a lot in common, have you noticed? I think turning my blog into a lifestyle-or-something-like-this blog was the best thing I could ever do! Of course I'm going to check out your blog :)


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