05 July 2014

Veronika Decides to Die | Book Review

 What if you seriously want to die and you decide to commit suicide? What if you don't die at the first try? And, if you think you're passing away but when you wake up, you're not in Heaven or Hell but in the most recognized madhouse of the small town of Ljubljana? What about if you realize your life matters when you have your days counted and you think you can't do nothing to live?
 Veronika Decides to Die is a book written by Paulo Coelho where he makes you stop for a second and makes think over if you're enjoying your life or if you're living with a autopilot. At the back of the book, Paulo give us a little summary of what the book is about and quoting it, it says: "Veronika Decides to Die proposes that in every single second of our existence we have the option of choosing to keep on going or give it up"

 The first time I read the book (50 pages as maximum) I was 13 or 14, I can't remember clearly. I liked it because I felt like a grown up, reading a book with difficult words, metaphors I couldn't even understand and written by a well-known writer that my mom loves. I gave it up because it was too difficult and I wasn't interested at all. 4 or 3 years later, with 16 years old (turning 17 soon, just saying!) I decided to read it again and discover if Veronika dies at the end or not. But I found myself wondering what's the sense of life and it surprised me when reading I felt identified with the characters (no, I have not tried to commit suicide, I mean the way they think and see life). I'm so obsessed with it now because it helped me realize that life is about the little things, like reading a nice book, writing a emotional song, learn to play an old instrument, help others, etc. And I know I'm just 16 now but I'm not 100% of the time thinking of boys, parties and makeup, I like to think about life, my future, others and this book helped me to realize that I'm maturing finally and I feel fine with myself now.

 It's not a miracle walker, it's just a book that made me think and realize things. It's nice, I love it and we all have different points of view so it's obvious that I learnt to have others perspectives and, if you read it, you're probably going to have differents points of view comparison with mines or Paulo's.
 But I do recommend it, Paulo is a person that makes you think and wonder without asking you questions, just with words and stories. It's lovely!

 I enjoyed writing this post and now I'm reading Looking For Alaska by John Green so, when I finish it, I'll do a review on it too! Read books kids, it's nice and the humanity needs more educated people! ;)

Goodbye and see you soon!

Cams x


  1. This book is definitely up my alley, & i am definitely thinking of making a trip to the bookstore now! It better be available where I live! haha

    But this was a great post, I look forward to maybe some more book reviews :)


    1. I'm sure it's, Paulo Coelho is a well-known writer and his books have been translated by many languages around the world but if you can't find it, you can download a PDF or buy it online. I think you're going to enjoy it, so you need to read it in any platform! ;)

  2. Lovely post,hun!
    Keep in touch xoxo


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