17 February 2014

Ten Easy Steps For a Romantic Hairstyle

Hi there! How are you? I'm back with more tutorials! (I think I'm obsessed with them) Today I'll show you how to do an easy and lovely hairstyle inspired in Tess Christine's "Valentines Day Hair & Makeup" video (if you don't know her, here's a link to the video and here for her Youtube channel) Hope you like it and let's get started!
1) First of all, make sure to have your hair brushed and apply your current thermal protector spray to make sure your hair is not going to be damaged. Then part your hair in two pieces at the middle of your head.

I started from the back to the front, so I took a tuft of hair to start curling.

3) Here I show you how I curl my hair; you can just avoid my description of this step EXCEPT of the information that I held it for no longer than one or two seconds.

4) My hair is untamed and it does what it wants to do, so you can see that the end of my hair is the only one curled, don't worry. I'm not an expert with the curly iron and it doesn't matter if the curl isn't perfect because we're looking for an informal hairstyle.

5) Once you have finished with one part of your hair, do the same with the other part until you have your whole head full of curls.

Brush your hair with your own fingers until the curls are smooth and bigger.

If you want a casual look, you just go ahead with the fixative spray, put some makeup on and you're ready. But if you want something more, keep on reading.

8) Take a tuft from the front of your head, as much as you want; it doesn't matter the size, it's about of how comfortable you feel with a big or a small braid.

9) I decided to do a normal braid but you can choose anyone you want (a fishtail braid would look absolutely beautiful) Secure it at the back of your hair (I recommend to take a tuft of hair from the back, secure the braid with some bobby pins and cover it with the tuft of hair you took first) 

10) And here's it, easy, quick and beautiful for many situations! 

As you can see, if you're a current reader of mine, I've changed the look of my blog. I'm trying to make it look more formal but still feminine. So don't worry if one day you see everything white and other it's all changed into purple or any other colour!

Also, I'll try to upload a post twice a week so I can keep my blog more active. I'll try to upload on Mondays and Fridays; Monday's posts will stay as they're and Friday's post will be a review of my week or something interesting that happened to me!

Going back to the hairstyle, did you like it? Would you try it? Would you like more of this post in the future? Your answers will help me a lot!

Goodbye and see you soon!

Cams x

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  1. Really cute hairstyle! I've really been wanting to start doing more with my hair because I usually just let it air dry, so this is a great tutorial! I will have to try it out :)

    1. I'm glad you liked it and going to try it out! :)

  2. I absolutely love the braid - stunning and you have really gorgeous hair! I chopped all my hair off into a pixie cut about a year ago and I loved it at first but now I really miss my long hair - I am craving to style it in these sorts of ways!

    Seriously considering extensions!!!

    New follower on GFC and Bloglovin! xx


    1. Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it :)
      I know what you feel, I had my hair longer than I have it now and I dyed my ends with a very strong pink colour so when the dyeing was gone, my hair looked like plastic hair! So I had to cut it off and I cried my eyes out! A couple of months ago I managed to love my short hair.
      You can go ahead and wear extensions or you can look for new hairstyles for short hair until it gets longer! Hope it helps you!
      And thank you for following me! :)

  3. Your hair looks beautiful. This is an awesome tutorial!

    I totally understand changing your blog! I never feel like mine is perfect. It drives me crazy.


    1. Thank you so much! :)
      My blog drives me crazy too! I'm always thinking of what I could change, add or delete! Haha

  4. I love it, if I had your hair it would be GREAT! I have an afro, so wouldnt really work unless I straightened it ;) I would love to as this is really good and even though I dont have the same hair as you (if you get what I mean) I love it, and I'd recommend my friends to use it ;) Officially your fifth follower! Great Blog!


    1. Thank you, I'm glad you did :)
      About the afro, you can try it when you have your hair straightened (if you occasionally do it) or I'll try my best for the next time and do a tutorial for every single kind of hair!
      Thank you for being my fifth follower by the way! :)

  5. I love your hair!
    Make sure to check out my blog:


    1. Thank you! :)
      And sure I'll check out your blog!

  6. What a cute hairstyle- I'll definitely need to try this! Haha! Also your hair looks like it's in lovely condition :o

    Sharlotte //

    1. I'm glad you liked it and also, you're going to give it a try!
      Aww, thank you so much! :)

  7. Hey :) I love your blog so I nominated you for an award over on mine!

    http://jaderosa.blogspot.co.nz x

    1. What an honour to me! Thank you so much, I'm so happy right now!

  8. Gorgeous photos, you have lovely hair - reminds me of Zoella xxx
    The perks of being a hipster

  9. Will definitely give this a try :)

    1. I'm glad you're going to put this to work! :)


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